Every dollar you give to WAFF goes directly to someone in need. Washington Gas covers all program administrative costs, so every dollar you donate makes an impact. With your help, DMV neighbors can stay warm this winter even when facing challenging times. Thank you for your generous donation!

If you or someone you know needs help, annual WAFF enrollment opens on Jan. 21, 2025. Visit https://washingtonareafuelfund.org/ or apply online at SAHelp.me.

You can also text SPREADWARMTH to 53-555 to receive a donation link.

WAFF Donation Form | En español

WAFF Pledge Form

Donate Online

You can help a family keep warm all winter in just a few minutes. Your online donation makes an immediate difference.

One-Time Donation

Monthly Giving

Give a donation that keeps on giving! Your monthly support helps us provide long-term, sustainable heating assistance.

Monthly Donation

Donate by Mail

Please make checks payable to: WAFF and mail to P.O. Box 1999, Washington, D.C. 20013

Download Pledge Form

Washington Gas Customer Donors 

Are you a Washington Gas customer? You can support WAFF when paying your monthly bill!

  • Give when paying your bill online.
    Visit Washington Gas online
  • Add a donation to your paper bill
    Mark the WAFF box on your Washington Gas bill stub and add your contribution amount.
  • Add a monthly pledge to your bill
    Print, fill out and mail our pledge form to include a monthly donation on your bill automatically. You can cancel your contribution at any time. (If you pledge a fixed amount, please do not check the WAFF box on your gas bill.)
  • Give when paying your bill by phone
    Call our Automated Services Line at 703-750-7944.